Language of Light
October 29, 2016
Language of Light Class
Initiation into the Order of the Rose
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. $88.00 Space Limited...
The Language of Light is Divine Sound brought forth from Creation. Creation Codes of various tones and color develop universal languages that speak to the soul of all beings. The frequency overrides mental limitations and speaks directly to the Soul; The Soul of Humanity, animal kingdom, plant and universal beings. It is a language once learned that allows communications with all of God's creations. It is a unique process of healing on a multidimensional wavelength, activating dormant DNA codons, and preparing the soul for Ascension. Many are feeling drawn to learn or improve their ability to speak and sing Language of Light.
All attending will receive an Initiation into the Order of The Rose, (brought forth from the Mary Magdalene lineage*) giving the participant data streaming capability to receive Language of Light from the Heavens, and speak the Mother Tongue.
By connecting to Creation's Light, you will intensify your ability to transmit pure streams of information. You will discover a unique signature which flavors the Language of Light that comes through you in this powerful experiential workshop. It is not translated as a word-for-word transmission - it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information.
There are 127 Languages of Light...at this time.
*During the time of Christ and Mary Magdalene, healing was
done by singing the Language of Light.
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