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How to Experience Mother TheoSophia Rose...
Ascension Gatherings
This is a Gathering based on Community. We have been asked to gather together to grow within our Ascension. We will Ascend as a Community, not as individuals. Ascension Days give us a time to ask questions, about what is happening in our individual lives. Douglas and Mother TheoSophia Rose bring forth information from the Hierarchy, Angelic Kingdoms, Elohim, Ascended Masters, Buddha, Mother and Father God. Many Techniques are brought forth to everyone to enhance their gifts, understand life situation, and accept they are on the journey to Ascension.
Ascension Gatherings are held once a month, usually on a Sunday. Join us and you will be amazed at how you feel and the resulting transformation. Check Event page for dates.
Wednesday Evening Gatherings "TheoSophia Speaks"
During these Evenings you will experience Divine Love. TheoSophia begins the evening with a topic divinely inspired by the group. As TheoSophia speaks, not only do you become embraced by the truths being spoken, but you find yourself enchanted by her voice. With the reverence of love, nuturing of Mother and the Grace of God, old patterns and thoughts are released, transformed, and cleared from your consciousness... Sample topic: Giving and Receiving.
We begin at 7:00 EST. Hope to see you there. Check Events page for dates.
Address: 2927 Cottonwood Lane, Chester Springs, PA
Call 610.458.1649
Sacred Rose Water Blessings
Throughout the year Mother will offer celebrations offering Water Blessings. Singing a 5,000 year old Puja, this sets the energy for Mother to bring the deva of Manifestation through to support the Light of Intention. This could be for Prosperity, Health, Balanced Relationships, etc. As each individual approaches Mother, she will sing Language of Light to the Soul, place Blessed Roses from wthin the Blessed Water upon the individual, and at times give additional profound messages.
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