Saturday, 9/17/2016
Initiation Times:
10:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Babaji Heart Meditation Initiation
All Are Welcome
Offered by
Mother TheoSophia Rose
As We Gather in Union to Receive:
The Heart Mantra Initiation
We See, Heal, and Love from our Hearts,
the World transforms...
Automatic Transendence of
Thought in 2-3 minutes...
Experience a 5,000 Year Old Ceremony ~The Puja
Donations Accepted
Location: Phoenixville, Pa
Call to register 610-458-1649
Initiation Times
10:00 AM or 2:00 PM
Benefits of Babaji Meditaion Technique
See with the Eyes of God
Divine Love
30% reduction in stress around the heart
Body gains a state of profound rest
30% reduction of heart rate
30% reduction in the lactic acid in the muscles
Stress management potential
Increased stability
Develops total brain function
Develops IQ
Ability to let go with ease
Enhanced personal insight
Upon your registration, you will receive an email
giving you instructions and location of Earth Healing Day.
There is no rain date.